Joining Thema’s courses was a turning point in my career. The skills I gained have opened new doors for me professionally, and the support from instructors was phenomenal. Highly recommend to anyone looking to upskill.
Alexa Morrison
Master photography fundamentals. Capture, create, and express.
How can I register?
Do I need a game master or facilitator to run the games?
Do you offer a white-label option?
How is Flinkit different from other platforms?
How much time does it take to create a game?
Who is Flinkit for?
Can I create my own games?
Is there a free trial?
How much does it cost?
Are these games for indoor or outdoor use?
Is it a mobile app?
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123 Learning Avenue, Suite 100
Education City, EC 45678
Our doors are open
Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 5 PM.
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